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*For New Members Only

Teen-Adult Taekwondo

Taekwondo for everyone 11 and up!

A joyful blend of tradition and a modern sport as the result of scientific evolution. It delivers an amusing, dynamic, productive and safe training method. We have also succeeded to preserve the values of excellence and the ethics of the black belt without forgetting the very real self-defense techniques.

An excellent alternative to stay fit, reduce the stress, lose weight and even make friends. In the course of your development, you will also gain a personal image and self-confidence that grants the charm and the attitude of a winner.

  • Concentration: In order to be alert, to strive in home chores and homework.
  • Confidence in themselves: In order to take their own place and to not get intimidated.
  • Perseverance: In order to reach their goals and to not quit when facing problems.
  • Self-Discipline: In order to study, do their homework and develop a sense of responsibility.
  • Respect: In order to inculcate politeness and the sense of values.

    Train in our academy for the championship of life.